Earn your CEUs, while learning from the nation’s leading experts on occupational health and safety and infectious disease
The International Safety Center (ISC) has long been recognized as a leader in the development of sharps injury, needlestick, and blood and body fluid exposure reduction programs.
Driven by a desire to eliminate all occupational illness and infection, the Center offers online continuing education courses and instructional video content for healthcare workers. Our courses will be led by top experts in the field of clinical occupational health.
From bloodborne pathogen and PPE training to post-exposure and EPINet how-tos, you’ll receive the critical insight necessary to remain safe and in compliance—no matter the role you play in the healthcare industry.

Preventing Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens in Healthcare
FREE 4-Part Series Webinar
Earn 1.0 CNE credit for the series; each module is 0.25 CNE credits
Cosponsored by the International Safety Center and the Johns Hopkins Education and Research Center
Register now to view the free on-demand pre-recorded webinars
Module I: Current BBP Prevalence & Incidents/Injuries:
Changing trends and emerging bloodborne diseases, and patterns of incidents and prevalence of exposures in healthcare settings
Module II: General OSHA Compliance:
Key elements of the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, including recording and reporting requirements
Module III: Applied OSHA Compliance:
OSHA forms, inspection protocols, and occupational health professional responsibilities regarding privacy and compliance
Module IV: Motivating Change:
Strategies to overcome barriers to change at the organizational and personal level